Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Blog post #2

1) All good plays, stories, and tales with conflict often tent to be good ones. In Romeo and Juliet, conflict begins right from the get-go. In Act I, scene V many conflicts are set in motion by the events. One major conflict would be of course Romeo seeing, and falling head over heels for Juliet, the moment they set eyes on each other. They are forbidden to be together, Romeo being the enemy Montague, and Juliet being a Capulet. Their forbidden love is undeniable, and also is what makes the whole story of their forbidden love. 

2) foil is a character who has qualities that are in sharp contrast to another character, thus emphasizing the traits of each. An example of this in Romeo and Juliet would be Mercutio and Romeo. With only just reading one page of dialog between Mercutio and Romeo, their personalities and characteristics can instantly be seen as opposites. 
       While Romeo speaks of love with passion, and thought, Mercutio  speaks of love and women like trash.  He speaks a full monologue of woman in disrespect. Romeo also dreams, and is hopeful all the time, but in contrast, Mercutio says, "True, I talk of substance dreams, which are the children of an idle brain, begot of nothing but vain fantasy, which is as thin of substance as the air." He says that dreams are nothing, and his view is that you make your own dreams. You can see a hudge contrast between Romeo and Mercutio, making Mercutio a foil to Romeo. 


Adversary- a person, group, or force that opposes or attacks; opponent; enemy; for. 

Disparagement: something that derogates or casts in a bad light, as a remark or censorious essay

Pernicious: deadly, fatal

Posterity: succeeding or future generations collectively

Propagate: to cause to increase in number or amount

Want to learn more about Drama terms? Check out this link

1 comment:

  1. Great thoughts on conflict, Emily. I would like to see a citation from the text to support your a opinion and bit more explanation and elaboration. Carefully edit your future posts!
